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QUEEN - NY Premiere at APAC

Rachel Rhodes-Devey

Rachel is currently in rehearsals for the NY Premiere of the play Queen by Madhuri Shekar under the direction of J. Mehr Kaur.

Queen tells the story of of two female scientists, Sanam and Ariel, who have spent the past seen years researching vanishing bee populations across the globe. Just as they are about to publish a career-defining paper, Sanam stumbles across an error which could cause catastrophic damage to their reputations, careers, and friendship. Now, both women are confronted with an impossible choice: look the other way and save the bees — or tell the truth and face the consequences

January 31 - February 16, 2019. Thursday & Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 2pm &8pm.

Visit for ticket info!
