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Merrily We Roll Along at APAC


Merrily We Roll Along at APAC

Rachel Rhodes-Devey

Rachel will be playing the role of Beth Spencer in the upcoming production of Merrily We Roll Along at the Astoria Performing Arts Center. The rarely done Stephen Sondheim musical tells the story of how a composers idealism and friendship are corrupted by success. The story is told backwards starting with the disillusioned present and ending with his optimistic college years. The show will be directed by APAC's artistic director Dev Bondarin, choreographed by Misha Shields, and with musical direction by Ming Aldrich-Gan.

Rachel is thrilled to be returning to APAC, an organization she holds near to her heart after having performed in 2010's Children of Eden and 2011's The Human Comedy.

Check out the Playbill cast announcement!

Go to APAC's website for more info and tickets!